It's amazing how a few years ago there was this little depressed kid, who was so anti-social until he met this girl. This girl meant the world to him, because she was one of the few that gave a shit about his feelings. They started dating, and he started being much happier. 2 years later, he becomes this extremely outgoing sportistic person, and
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[idiot] I kept walking down to my room and turning off my light, and then a second later I would turn it back on and walk back up to the computer. I didn't even realize it until after a while. wtf. [/idiot] D:
I think i just lost one of my "best friends." hm. because he has known me for years so we were pretty close friends. therefore, he knows my insecurities and he knows what its like for me in my house. well, he decides to take advantage of this and tries manipulating me to get me sleeping with him. It pisses me off that he... thought that lowly. he
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my english teacher is making us write a mystery, and she's only giving us 4 days to write it =/. but mine is going to be so-cool, because its about this boy who murders a couple of his friends.. because he is suffering from heartbreak and jealousy.. and my teacher is going to hate me, because she likes happy things. (still grounded, so don't expect
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What would you do if every time you fell in love with someone you had to say good-bye? that's something that is too painful to think about. so, i'd rather not =]
What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?i dont know what i would do. but i would not call them a friend. a friend is there for you when you need them
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well, this band{ambivalence} played at our school today. i didnt have money, so i couldnt buy their demo. oh well, i got a sticker =). they weren't that great. but they were okay. they reminded me, A LITTLE, of the blood brothers.