Mar 19, 2010 15:21
Okay, I am BORED so I decided on my favourite - least liked episode list;
1. Katie
2. Everyone
3. Cook
4. Emily
5. JJ
6. Freddie (Yeah I can't decide between the last three but Katie was an angel in this)
7. Thomas (Naomily kissed)
8. Effy
Now you go!
laura's mum,
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Comments 35
1. Katie
2. Cook
3. Everyone
4. Emily
5. JJ
6. Freddie
7. Effy
8. Thomas
I think that the writers failed don't describing the deep feeling of Naomi...I wanted more about her, and her 'secret love' for Ems when she was 12 years sweet
I think it was a little rushed but on the whole i am happy they ended happy and together x
It goes best to last, so Katie is my favourite x
In that case here is mine:
1. Katie
2. Cook
3. Everyone
4. Emily
5. JJ
6. Effy
7. Thomas
8. Freddie
Icon Lovageee ;) xx
But really, I am offended you could ever think I would put Katie last!
Did you like the last episode then? Were you clad you were with your friends?
About the same with the list, I think I hate Freddies the most but then I remembered Katie looked amazing in it and I hated the therapist in Effys episode.
Katie is just WIN forget full of it she is it !
Yeah I really liked the episode.. infact I;m going to watch it now and my new dvd that arrived today :D!!!! And yes I'm glad I watched it with my friends.. I couldnt have done it on my own :/
I hate Freddie so therefor hated his episode.. but Katie did look damn fine although when does she not look damn fine?
Lol, yeah katie IS win.
Glad you liked it, I thought it was really good. Im pleased Freddie didnt take up the episode.
I think im going to go watch it again now, sorry I took so long to reply my phone went dead.
Yeah I hate freddie but I don't want to be too mean because he did get beaten to death and all.
Katie ALWAYS looks good, this is fact
1.5 Katie
1.5 Cook (I REALLY can't choose. If I say I like Cook more than Katie, I feel like some greater force will come after me with a bat. WHO ISN'T JOHN T. FOSTER.)
3. Everyone (My lowered expectations totally allowed me to enjoy this episode. Also, I've massively fallen in love with Karen.)
4. Emily, because, its, well, EMILY. (and Naomi, but blah.)
5. Freddie (You got me with the Katie angel...and filming was gorgeous, I must say.)
The rest I.. whatever.
6. JJ
7. Effy
8. Thomas. Sorry, not even the kiss could save it? I remmeber how fandom went berzerk over it though. Remember when we were hopeful? ;(
PS. in other news, Katie in your icon is super cute. and no matter how much the show fucks up, that will never change :P
I really liked Karen in it as well, the kylie dance was one of my favourite parts.
Well you list was half positive, thats improvement! Im thomas' Katie also had a nice walk. Katie will always be win, this is fact and the reason she should be number one on you list, yes?
Also, I'd like to switch Emily and Everyone. I can't believe I put her's after.
Karen, like, was so awesome, I don't even know what to say. She is the Greater McLair. her "I like all the wrong things speech.." I LOVED IT.
O Shoot. I forgot. The Katie strut. And she had Thomas, Cook, AND Naomi looking at her ass. HOW COULD I FORGET.
Lol, you should have thought your list through a bit more I think.
It wouldn't be difficult to beat Freddie but yeah, she was awesome this episode. I think the pink in her hair improved her.
Naomi was so looking, can't blame her though. Aw, I feel so proud at you looking at the positives :D
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But Naomily kissed! and Katie had an AWESOME walk. Everyone puts Katies top, she is awesome even if she does that in her sleep
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Well I had him one but last, Jesus. And crying well O facing, lol good times.
Don't make me say it, y'know when she was sleeping next to Cook? YES SHE IS
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