The heater broke tonight. My hands are freezing over the keyboard. I'll need to take it to a repairshop sometime soon or else take to wearing pants.
No, Duo, you may not take a look at it say it's hopeless and then use it for parts because you still charge me full price.
It's 3am. A long walk will warm me up.
Everyone at the base was ordered to have sharp creases on their uniforms and reflective shines on their shoes. We had to clean the tiled floors of the command centers to the same effect. From the enlisted and officer corp, not a single man or woman was late. Sharper salutes. Faster steps.
From what I can tell, it's time for inspections way above ground and inquisition below ground. It's been a few uneventful years since the last large-scale military raid. If there is a need to gauge forces already....