I decided to make a post of a few random pictures, since I've finally found a gooood image host. I'm pretty sure I haven't put any of these pictures on here before, but who knows.
Just so you can see how nuts I am. The Brian Molko section of my room. Heh.
My caaaaaar.
Aww my cat Fluffy. He looks like such a little bitch.
This is one of the pictures I was talking about in the last entry. Why are we so crazy. Hah.
Just Fluffy again. :)
I'm hesitant about putting horrible pictures of myself on here, but this is an exception. Because Jonathan looks too hilarious. Him, Mollie, and I were just hanging out outside one day and took millions of pictures. Here's one of them.
My dad carrying Tippy around. I don't know why, I just throught it was funny so I took this heh.