i never thought he would be gone...i thought he would be around to pick on and be picked on forever. its sad how we take life, people moments for granted. hes my reason for swimming. i wont forget him ever. i wont forget the bus rides, the swim meets, the track meets, and the time he "loocked" us out of the swim bus and how we broke in. we always thought he would be around to coach us one last year. i always thought he would be on the side of the pool laughing at how "poorly i swim but that im fast as hell" i wont forget that "theres no way in hell Zehr is doing the butterfly" i wont forget that i suck and that i need to get my ass off the block. i wont forget that i feared for my life riding on his bus or sing that damned song. i wont forget teasing him for his baldness. and that he had a very good reason for being bald..cause he was just to sexy for hair.
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