Anyways, lets see.
That HUGE concert in Tampa. It was amazing. Friday night-not so much (nor was Saturday morning), but Sunday was definitely one of the best things ever. Imagine Jared Leto and Itachi combined. Yes.
Amazingness. If you’re in the mood for more pictures check out
Amy’s lj.
A few weeks later there was a concert for this little band called Smash Mouth. I wasn’t originally suppose to go, but through some weird twist of fate (spurred on by Amy’s mom) I ended up with Lori’s ticket. It was a good thing I did, because the concert was awesome. Imagine being pulled onstage to sing side-by-side with the lead singer. It didn’t happen to me, but it happened to a bunch of other people, and it sure was fun to watch.
Oh, and not to mention the Hush Sound concert. Thanks to Amy’s internet friend Rae, this concert was awesome. Not only did we get to hang out with the band, but I also got cd-samplers to hand out to hobos. What more could you want?
Somewhere amist all of that was a week of absolute hell. Exams. See , thanks to Amy, I had gotten mono earlier this semester and missed two weeks of school. You all know what that means-Exams. Luckily James had chicken pox a couple of weeks earlier, so I at least had a companion to my suffering.
After all that stuff, break started. Boris had his 18th birthday party (happy birthday!!). And Hanukkah and my new Zune came around. I watched Fern Gully and Howl's Moving Castle with Amy, and if you haven't seen the latter you need to--it's definitely one of the best animated movies I've ever seen.
Shortly thereafter Amy went off to go party in Las Vegas. So from then on it’s been video games (and lots of ‘em). By the way, if you haven’t played Twilight Princess on a Wii you need to, it’s amazing. *waves hand in slash motions*
The day after Amy left I had an awesome Diablo 2 sleep-over with Boris and Zack. It's amazing how well that game has held up over the last seven years. It went rather awesomely. We got through two Acts of Diablo 2, two bags of nachos, and all of the Aristocrats (a challenge in morality if nothing else). We also went canoeing by latern-light well after dark. Now that's something I'd definitely do again. Boris fulfilled his wish of beating off not one, but two alligators. What more could you want from a canoe ride? Except flying-talking alligators, but that's another story entirely.
Finally, I retract any earlier statements I may have made regarding Gears of War’s mediocrity. It is indeed an awesome game. Certainly as good ,if not better than, Resident Evil 4. So everyone go buy a 360 and Gears of War. And a Wii and Twilight Princess. And a Ps3... and wait... haha that's right, the Ps3 sucks.
Oh, and Lori's busy being sick in Las Vegas. So call her and say get-better! It just might work.