freedom of religion = freedom from religion
but what if your liek really religious
I am thinking about doing a project,
for myself really...
to go to a few differnt religious youth groups,
of all kind of religions,
and see how they are simailer and differnt.
the tone of the youth r=groups, and what they are preaching about,
what they find important
as someone who used to be religios, i think i know what i will find in certin areas,
however, I am interested to see what they are talking about with people my age now.
But i think what i would like to do after, is talk to the people, the peopel in charge and the people wo are the "followers" about how they think their veiws of being christian or buddist or athist or whatver affects their veiws of being an american,
how they thnk america shoudl be run, or how laws should be made, keeping in mind that america was built on the idea of freedom of religion, but also knowing that they most likley hold the laws of their religion above the laws of man.
also other thinkgs that intrest me are liek rules that are put down by religions, and how sometimes those rules are considerd old or whatever, but some are considerd still relivant.
like how, (and i use christian rules as examples becasue they are what i am most familiar with) masterbation is considerd a sin, but it has been proven that for males, masterbating at least twice a week will lower their risk of prostate cancer. also how divorse is a sin but is most usually socially acceptable, and those in the congragation who might be getting a divorce are not punished or looked down upon, however two men who are loving eachother will be. Now in america things liek masterbation and divore are acceptibale and understood to be normal, however int he contex of religion they are considerd evil and bad. how does one reconsile the differnces of being an american as about to being religious.
other things i wonder about is schooling, with america being a country very focused on education, the scientific veiws of things liek evolutions and such. i know there is much debate, but i dont see how you would want education a vital part of america to be controled by a specific religions veiws, especially when it goes in the face of scientific evidance, and in a country that values freedom of religion as the number one founding value.
also clearly one of my biggest motivstions for this wondering is the issue of gay rights. and will be a central issue i focus on, whichi think ties into things i have said before, liek rules.
i dont know what i want to do with this, and i dont want to judge people, im am just intrested in how people reconcile these thing.
this is just a start of rambling so i can make this project more focused, but i jsut needed to wrote down my inial thoughs, so sorry if you spent time trying to read this. specially since i wont even take the time to speccl check this. lol