I enjoyed the date. :) I feel so comfortable talking to him, it's almost weird. He's the first person I've met in a long time who I haven't received any bad vibes from and I very much trust my intuition so that's important to me. He's got a very warm smile. :)
So I went to the doctor on Wednesday and told her about the how I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps over the last long while. She told me I should go for counseling to work out some of my problems which is what I'm starting next week on campus. She doesn't think I will require antidepressants but wants to see me in a month for a follow-up to
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This weekend was amazing. I haven't enjoyed a show that much since maybe ever. The pain of being crushed by the barricades in front row and the bruises that resulted were still worth how good a show it was. Meeting the band and getting pictures with them was no doubt very cool. It's unfortunate we never talked to Ville but we met him last time so
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I saw Saw tonight. Fairly fucked up movie about a serial killer who murders people indirectly by putting them into situations where they must kill others to live or try to hopelessly save themselves from deadly circumstances. It was almost as disturbing as Se7en but definitely not as fucked up and not as good a movie, but I still liked it quite a
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I'm sorry I haven't been reading and responding to others' posts lately. I've been busy as of late, with the whole move, and writing my thesis, and not to mention, I don't have my cable internet set up yet in my new place
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I saw the cutest thing yesterday. On my walk to the Duff Roblin bldg at the U of M a squirrel ran across my path clasping an entire piece of rye bread in its jaws. I laughed out loud when I saw it because it was totally adorable. I thought it was going to trip over its large morsel but appeared to have no trouble at all
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