Title: The Coming of Arthur: An Interlude (2/6)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, established relationship, but Arthur knows nothing of Merlin's magic
Summary: What happens after the last scene of 3.12.
Warnings: violence, angst, spoilers for Merlin 3.12
Disclaimer: I disclaim.
Author's Notes: This gift for
lolryne is supposed to ease her waiting for
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Comments 25
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And of course, thank you for your feedback! :) I'm very glad that I can put you in your happy place -- we might be sharing it, because I love speculative 3.12 fic atm too! <3 Have you found any other but mine?
I loved how Arthur immediately threw the 'weak' (Gaius and Merlin) behind him when the riders surrounded them. He never needs to think about his duty, just places his life on the line and you really showed that here.
Great stuff as usual, keep it up :D
loved how Arthur immediately threw the 'weak' (Gaius and Merlin) behind him
That's exactly what I was going for! Arthur wouldn't leave a servant and an old man unprotected, even if he knew that they couldn't win.
I'm trying! Next part is going to go up in a couple of hours :D
Your icon is GORGEOUS, btw! Is it shareable? Is there a story behind the words?
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