Title: You can Only Watch Challenge: Getting to Know You Rating: NC17 Warnings/Spoilers: The tiniest spoiler ever from "Grave Danger" Summary: Nick and Greg are thousands of miles apart, but that's not always a bad thing.
First of all...Sanders-is-Stoked = best sn ever, lmao. And this whole thing was just fucking hot. Imagining Nick with a bulge in his pajama pants...*drool* And of course, the whole awesome description of N/G jacking off. The silent thing was a *very* nice touch (no pun intended haha). Mmm this was so good!
holy wow, damn shit. man, this was hot, on top of stemy with a side of yowza. I love the way you write for these two. it's so real and affectionate. The moment with greg wincing at nick saying you can only watch nearly killed me. but i like how greg didn't want to upset nick by telling what that phrase ment. thanks for this. it's what i needed to help me sleep. you rock.
Comments 17
And I loved how you slid in that subtle little GD bit. It made it all so much more real feeling.
I love your writing. :)
First of all...Sanders-is-Stoked = best sn ever, lmao. And this whole thing was just fucking hot. Imagining Nick with a bulge in his pajama pants...*drool* And of course, the whole awesome description of N/G jacking off. The silent thing was a *very* nice touch (no pun intended haha). Mmm this was so good!
Greg flinches slightly before responding, but Nick doesn’t think anything about it.
That made me stop in my tracks, right there. Kudos to you - the fic was hot, & awesome. (:
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