My thoughts on the book ten chapters in, in case anyone cares
Chapter One: I loved this chapter. I'm a sucker for the chapters that are different. The opening chapter of Goblet of Fire is one of my favorite ever, and really set the tone for the book. So far, this chapter has done the same for this book. Yay!
Chapter Two: I don't know what to think of this chapter. It seems kind of out of place. It has some interesting stuff going on in it, but I wish Bellatrix would just shut up already. When's she going to learn that no one gives a shit what she thinks?
Chapter Three: Dumbledore! And he's screwing with the Dursleys, woo! I loved the tea cups persistently hitting them in the head. Dumbledore, you are my hero. You might want to get that hand checked out, though.
Chapter Four: Horace sounds like an interesting character. I like the fakeout he tried to trick Dumbledore with. Some sad stuff in here too, as Harry thinks about Sirius a little. Fortunately, it's pretty subdued and not "OH MY GOD SIRIUS IS DEAD IT IS MY FAULT RAAAAR RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE." Also, Arthur was promoted! Yay! All of the Weasley's are in mortal danger, though. Boo. I'm liking Mrs. Weasley again, though. She kind of pissed me off at the beginning of Order of the Phoenix.
Chapter Five: Ha, phlegm. She's not that bad, guys. I don't really remember what happened in this chapter, so it must not have been anything too exciting. Just a bunch of that Veela chick being annoying.
Chapter Six: Draco's up to something. Wow, who would have thought? He's annoying and always biting off more than he can chew. Why do you even care, Harry? Also, Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes rocks. Yay for Gred and Forge!
Chapter Seven: Stuff happens on the train and there's more of Horace Slughorn. He's odd. Amusing, but odd. Harry is an idiot, once again, and let's Malfoy get the best of him. When will you ever learn, Harry? And Draco and that one chick are together. Sorry, I'm horrible with their names. Pansy, I think. I always get Pansy and Parvati and Lavendar confused.
Chapter Eight: Snape is the new DADA teacher! EEEEE! Not a whole lot else worth mentioning here.
Chapter Nine: Classes, yay! Harry's in potions, I saw that one coming as soon as it was announced that Snape wasn't Potions Master anymore. I kind of enjoyed seeing Harry be happy in Potions for once. Hints of Harry and Ginny. I guess that's okay. I don't really care. And a mysterious book, oh no! Hasn't that been done before? Oh well, at least this one isn't trying to possess Harry. Yet.
Chapter Ten: The most interesting chapter yet, IMO. Those people, with their marrying of the cousins, and their crazy eyes looking different directions. Geez, apparently this place is in Arkansas. I kid! Some nice backstory on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Yay.
And that's where I'm at right now. So far I'm enjoying this one a lot more than Order of the Phoenix. I don't know, I liked Order, but I still feel like nothing really happened in it. I'm beginning to see how it was necessary to set everything up for this book, though. I'm off to eat, then read some more.