I need Advice *If you Read it P-P-P-Please Reply*

Nov 25, 2002 16:53

#1- What do you do when you THINK someone likes you and you dont like them back? and you really, really dont want to hurt their feelings, cuz their are sooooooXinfinity sweet. But you do realize that who you kind of fell for is someone else that use to like you alot, and they gave you a chance but you turn them down. And now you realize it, but ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

Bootie answers! really intimate hand job anonymous November 26 2002, 15:11:44 UTC
#1. This is a tough one. But if this was the situation,(which has been lots of times) I would try not to lead them on. Im kind of the flirty type so they may take it the wrong way.So what you should do is either try to lay off the flirtyface act or let his feelings flow. If thats the way he feels, then let him feel this crush. But also dont jump to conclusions and make sure that this is really the case.
#2. Dont be messy and get yourself on the bad side.keep quiet. this dude will have a guilty concience and will son tell this chic how he truly feels.
#3. I like to talk to the person when somethings the matter. But when i feel like being the bitch, the cold shoulder does the job.!!
#4. Cookie dough ice cream of course!
#5. I always listened to other people to satisfy their needs but now im being selfish so screw them!
#6. "Love your enemies" says god!


Re: Bootie answers! really intimate hand job anonymous November 26 2002, 15:16:39 UTC
thats me connie up there. I was being retardeddddd and forgot my name.


emo_sniff December 4 2002, 02:30:13 UTC
#1-are you asking what to do about the first guy or the second?
#2-i'd wanna know if i were the girl
#3-"just friends" is always better than not having them in your life
#5-make yourself happy but be considerate of others.
#6-depends on if the person deserves love or not


0dium December 5 2002, 06:05:25 UTC
Lauren!!!! Hi thats a surprise I had forgoten you had a journal


_euthanasia_ December 12 2002, 20:35:45 UTC
i added u.


froggyd_alex December 20 2002, 14:02:10 UTC
1. I have the same problem!

2.tell them it might help her to not get hurt and find out by someone else

3. I totally cut him out of my life even though it hurts but my friend needs to be happy


5. Forget about them every once in a while. YOu have needs and wants also!

6. Depends how much do you feel for them?


0dium December 20 2002, 18:23:37 UTC
DIana you read my journal? that a surprise


Re: froggyd_alex December 21 2002, 09:47:50 UTC
y is it a surprise? wat u thought i don't care bout u anymore? well I DO! I DO! I DO!!! I jus wish we still talked like we used to those convos we had were the coolest! I miss and love you!!! Laterz My Love!!!



fallen_eve December 21 2002, 20:26:17 UTC
LOL.im not sure why that made me laugh.


(The comment has been removed)

xxsexy_angelxx December 25 2002, 11:52:18 UTC
well Hello, nice to..umm..meet you :)


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