simplyme510 wrote in
Jul 23, 2005 21:44
I need more friends!! lol
Add me darlings.
And of course ill return the favor.
♥ Marie
____partyboat wrote in
Jul 12, 2005 16:15
Okay, I did not realize I was going to be this busy.
Im leaving all communities except the one I co-mod
at. I might re-apply when summer ends. Plus my camera
just broke so ugh. Yeah, thanks for accepting me!
Feel free to add me if anyone wants.
♥ Sarah
red0wing0fan wrote in
Jul 04, 2005 09:22
I'm like way Inactive in this community and It's not fair. So I'm leaving.
It was fun while It lasted. - Christine
lil_dumbazz wrote in
Jun 25, 2005 13:31
i'm leaving for camp tomorrow for a month!! I will be inactive until July 23, but i will be on July 9(it is the day inbetween sessions)
Just letting you all know.
bye bye for a month