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Comments 76

text; nopuppets January 31 2011, 15:43:50 UTC
youre a troll right
i am pretty sure i wanted to talk to you actually


Re: text; 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 15:58:33 UTC
i am!
what did y0u want t0 talk t0 me ab0ut


text; nopuppets January 31 2011, 16:00:40 UTC
youre time of your session right?
something of time?
idk why but i just
wanted to say yo or something
since im the time guy of my session


Re: text; this is the most appropriate icon ever. 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 17:28:54 UTC
i am aradia megid0
the maid 0f time


text; usedwindything January 31 2011, 15:49:22 UTC
i stopped being bored about six days ago. now i'm pretty much super bored.
the most exciting thing that's happened since we got here was that time eridan got lost. and that was...
the bad kind of exciting.
and i don't know about you, but i'm almost out of money.
maybe we should get jobs or something.


Re: text; 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 16:01:56 UTC
i guess b0red is s0rt 0f an understatement

im alm0st 0ut 0f m0ney t00
we sh0uld l00k int0 that


text; usedwindything January 31 2011, 16:08:08 UTC
there's not really anything to do here. There's only so many times you can battle wild pidgeys and rattatas before it gets old.

yeah, might be a good idea.
otherwise we might end up sleeping outside in the snow.
and that would suck!


Re: text; 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 17:35:59 UTC
i am s0 tired 0f seeing th0se

im n0t very eager t0 g0 back t0 that myself
t0 say the least!


whoops, forgot my html shocksandawes January 31 2011, 18:10:58 UTC
Yeah, it bites. You call this a city?


Re: whoops, forgot my html 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 18:20:32 UTC
y0ure right
it d0esnt seem like much 0f a city at all!
i w0nder h0w l0ng itll be bef0re we can start heading t0wards vi0let
it d0esnt l00k like itll be any time s00n


shocksandawes January 31 2011, 18:40:23 UTC
I'm about ready to just pack up and leave, snow or no snow. >:|


0kwithalot January 31 2011, 19:33:29 UTC
the pers0n im traveling with d0esnt want to get g0ing
and i can understand why
s0 i d0nt think were g0ing t0 be g0ing anywhere f0r a while!
i need t0 get a j0b while im here th0ugh
weve been stuck here s0 l0ng that im alm0st 0ut 0f m0ney


[Video] >DD: Talk to your AU mob daughter--I mean 8) Hi love4monochrome January 31 2011, 18:44:42 UTC
Stop complaining. If you're so bored then why not actually leave and find something ta do instead of fillin' this network with your goddamn whinin'?


Re: [Video] 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 19:55:28 UTC
0h w0w
when did y0u get here
and the pers0n im traveling with d0esnt think we sh0uld leave here yet because of the weather
if i were traveling al0ne i pr0bably w0uld have left by n0w


[Video] love4monochrome January 31 2011, 20:06:21 UTC
Been here for about a week now. But apparently I'm not where most people start out when they randomly fuckin' appear here.

You never struck me as a group-goin' kinda girl, but I guess if you want to listen to your companion then fine. If the wimp doesn't think you two can brave the weather, then stay there and be goddamn bored. But don't you fill this network with senseless bitchin'.


Re: [Video] 0kwithalot February 1 2011, 20:59:54 UTC
Oh? Where are you, then?

I'm usually not, but traveling in a group here is a good idea! And the person I'm traveling with is really nice.

I'm going to try and get a job while I'm here, so that will at least be something to do. And taking care of Pokemon sounds kind of nice...


[tExT] usedmiracles January 31 2011, 18:54:18 UTC
ArAdIa i hEaRd yOu wErE MoThErFuCkIn hErE
BuT I HaVe yEt tO SeE YoU My oKwItHeVeRyThInG BrO
I ThInK ErIdAn wAnTs tO GeT HiS LeAvE On sOoN
WoUlD YoU LiKe tO JoIn a cOuPlE Of mOtHeRfUcKeRs?
MoRe tHe fUcKiN MeRrIeR My fRiEnD!
HoNk hOnK!


Re: [tExT] 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 19:31:31 UTC

im n0t sure
i kind 0f want t0 talk t0 j0hn bef0re d0ing anything since im traveling with him
th0ugh y0u may already kn0w that


[tExT] usedmiracles January 31 2011, 19:40:11 UTC
oH MoTheRfUcK YeAh i kNoW!
SuRe tHiNg
GeT YoUr mOtHeRfUcKiN TaLk oN WiTh jOhN ThEn!
I'M WiTh eRiDaN BuT I'M SuRe yOu pRoBaBlY HaVe yOuR KnOw oN AbOuT ThAt.


Re: [tExT] 0kwithalot January 31 2011, 20:00:06 UTC
i will
and yes
ive heard ab0ut that


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