Title: For no angel surely would Fandom: Supernatural Audio: Huggy Bear - Pro No from Now Characters: Dean, Castiel, Anna Length: 2:11 Summary: Do not penetrate me
Thank you. : D I wasn't expecting nearly every person so far to bandy about the word 'disturbing' for this, so it's food for thought on how we may have been reading the text differently to start with.
Good luck then. : ) I've found that you can dazzle people with incoherency simply by throwing way too many thoughts onto a timeline at once.
To be honest I am extremely curious to hear your thoughts though, because I have a hunch that one's reading can be coloured a lot based on your general perspective towards relgion and christianity. If someone says 'this was disturbing' like that's surprising, I just want to ask AND WHAT SHOW WERE YOU WATCHING FOR THE PAST YEAR.
I'm pleased to have stunned you. : D Stumbling across that audio in my cds was about 95% of the reason this vid got made in the first place, so it's really assuring to know it's working for people.
Comments 27
So yes...be back with comments.
To be honest I am extremely curious to hear your thoughts though, because I have a hunch that one's reading can be coloured a lot based on your general perspective towards relgion and christianity. If someone says 'this was disturbing' like that's surprising, I just want to ask AND WHAT SHOW WERE YOU WATCHING FOR THE PAST YEAR.
Eh, sorry, mini-rant over.
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