So, the thing is, I'm not very good at writing. A bit terrified of it, even. The same goes for social interaction in general.
...and yet I have a livejournal. Confused yet? I sure am!
I love the fannish interaction here enough to try to get over that. And especially, I really love the vidding part of it. It's basically the one form of creative expression that I can wrap my head around, and this brings me all kinds of joy.
If, somehow, you've actually popped in to check out my vids, they can all be found under
this tag.
I would love to participate more in some of the meta discussions that crop up around here (om nom nom chewy meta), but most of the time I don't feel able to, so I'm mainly in lurk mode for those. I notice that I usually tend to take a bit longer to write out a reply to things than most people - please don't think that this is because I don't like you or am blowing you off. It usually means that I'm thinking about it. Really slowly.
I never bother with the adult content filter, but there will be the odd bit of swearing and possibly porn, so use your own discretion. Real Life is likely to get flocked - fandom, random, and lulz are public. If you want in and I've never seen you around before, say hi or something. Odds are I'll be feeling more shy and nervous than you are.