These past six days have been so exhausting. I don't remember being this tired in a long time. My grandmother passed away on Wednesday. She was really old and really sick so it came as no surprise to any of us, yet, a death in the family always gets to you one way or another. Since I had no relationship with the woman whatsoever, her death wasn't an emotional blow for me as it was for my parents and my sister. Thus, when I couldn't cry and didn't show I guess enough sadness, I got into trouble with my family. Moreover, I couldn't attend the funeral because I had a really important business meeting at the same time, more or less. When I say really important I do mean really important, as in the most important meeting of my career thus far. (Which went well and I am meeting the person again on the 23rd, with hope of him helping me make this promotion come true. *fingers crossed*) I did however go to the funeral house and I did my duty of welcoming the people who came to pay their last respect to my grandma. However, that didn't seem to be enough either and now I am officialy unwelcome to any kind of a family meeting for an undefined period of time, because apparently I value my work over my family. Umm, you know what, when you're like that, I'd rather take my job than you any day.
Last night Roger lost a 5 setter to Djoković after he had two match points is the third set. I couldn't watch the match cause my sister celebrated her birthday so I had to go to her place and act like I am not at war with the rest of the family. I cried at 2 in the morning, over Roger. After err, almost 10 years of being his fan (now that's scary) and after having seen him on the top of the world as well as having gone though some of the lowest lows. I cried over Roger Federer and didn't cry over my own grandmother's death. It's either that the freaking loss served as a catalyst for all of the frustration of the week or my priorities are pretty screwed up.
OH and it's still TOO HOT. It's September weather gods, give us autumn. WINTER BETTER BE COMING SOON. >:/
I had a hell of a week and I need to rant somewhere.