Fff blocked people are messaging me on msn.
Okay, I finished Ace Attorney Investigations a couple of days ago or so. Maybe it's time to write my opinions on it!
The lack of court room-sessions was disappointing at first, but now I think I like it better like it was in this game, since the cross-examinations were less tedious when there was less of them at once. And you get to cross-examine the judge!
Teneiro was cute, although her design-skills were terrible.
I wasn't awfully fond of Kay. I was trying to pin-point what I don't like, because I liked Maya and Ema (though I didn't really fall for Ema before Apollo Justice), and Trucy was alright. While I got annoyed by Kay's "teehee, I'm a thief, but I'm not REALLY bad or anything!"-shtick, I think the main problem isn't that she's any worse than the other three girls, but rather that she's the same archetype all over again, and by now I've grown tired of it. Is it really nescessary to have a teenaged genki girl side kick in every game?
At least we still had plenty of Gumshoe andd Franziska.
Oh well, maybe if I read some good fic with her she'll grow on me more.
I really really want some fic with the new characters soon.
Lang grew on me.
Callisto Yew was awesome. Okay, I got a bit tired when she started laughing at every other sentence, but even with the exeggeration I liked her character a lot. Wtf, though. Shih-na = Callisto? I'm not sure I can really think of them as the same person. Okay so Shih-na was an act, but still.
Is it just me, or has Larry gotten worse? Idk maybe I'm seeing the first game through rose-colored glasses, but I don't think I disliked him that much then. Edgeworth realizing who was behind the mask of the Steel Samurai was funny, though.
Now I gotta find some new Ace Attorney icons because I lost all the ones I saved when my computer crashed (my interested in AA had waned then, but AAI has RENEWED IT).
What more? I started reading Dinosaur Comics. Before, I thought they were boring, but recently I read a couple of them, and SUDDENLY Dinosaur Comics is hilarious. Amazing how things can change.