.005 TUTORIAL ron/hermione

Dec 28, 2005 23:20

Tutorial requested by princessginny78

We are going from this to
in PSP9

FYI: I did not save the .psp file so it may this copy may be different than the original. & I am going to enlarge the icon so its 100x100 dimensions. But the same process.

Step 01.
.\\ Take this screencap from Impervius ..which isn't working right now *fumes*
.\\ Duplicate is twice! The WHOLE image, so you have two seperate images. Then crop them to how you want them to appear in the polaroids.
; They are currently 100x100 but we are going to resize them soon.

Step 02.
.\\ Open up a new 100x100 base/image/thing (preferrably white but it can be different colors)
.\\ Resize the two images (^up^) to about equal size. I resized mine to about 50x50.
.\\ Paste them on a new layer on your base/image/thingy. They do not have to be in the same exact position where everything is equal. This is where I positioned mine:

.\\ Do whatever you have to do to the pictures. Soft Light, Brightness & Contrast, all that jazz...

Step 03.
.\\ Open up your polariod brush by gender & duplicate it so, once again, there is two.
.\\ Do whatever you need to to your polaroid brush then paste them, above the pictures. Not too dificult. But be sure to paste them on a new layer! (Also if you want you can add a Drop Shadow.)

Step 04.
Now it is time for the coloring! Woo Hoo! But remember: I do not know which colors or which setting I used exactly so just bare with me. ♥

.\\ New Layer- (#0B0B41) Dark Blue set to exclusion // 100%. DELETE around the pictures so the blue is only on the picture and not the polariod or the background.
.\\ New Layer- (#F3F5BD) Light Yellowish color set to burn // 100%. Delete around the picture again.
.\\ New Layer- (#EBEAD4) Beige set to multiply // 100%. Delete around the picture and the polariods so you have a nice white background.
.\\ New Layer- (#EBEAD4) Beige set to dodge // 14%. Delete so the color is only around the polariod. Nothing else. Not the picture or the background.
.\\ New Layer- (#EBEAD4) Beige set to multiply // 100%. Delete so its just around the picture of ro and hermione, not the polariods.
.\\ Duplicate the pictures of Ron & Hermione. Drag it to the very top above all the layers and set is to soft light // 72%


Now you can add text or move the whole thing higher to the top. Whatever you want. Hope this was helpful to you and I would love to see what you came up with! ^-^

resources: tutorials

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