Random Survey

Dec 16, 2012 13:21

1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Yes, I'm ready for one.

2.When did your last hug take place?
Last night.

3.Are you a jealous person?
Yes, admittedly I am.

4.Are you tired right now?

5.Do you chew on your straws?
NOT ANYMORE. Not after last time I chewed straws, I destroyed my teeth.

6.Have you ever been called a tease?
Yes, but it was uncalled for.

7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?

8.Do you cry easily?
No, but there are certain subjects that will make me cry instantly.

9.What should you be doing right now?
Working out.

10.Are you a heavy sleeper?
I can be.

11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?

12.Are you mad at someone right now?

13.Do you believe in love?

14.What makes you laugh no matter what?
Cats on the internet.

15.Who was the last person you talked to?
My Mom.

16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?

17.Will you get married?
I would like to.

18.When was the last time you smiled?
This morning.

19.Does anyone like you?
Meh probably.

20.Do you secretly like someone?

21.Who was the first person you talked to today?

22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
I'm comfortable talking to anyone about anything; the tricky part is figuring out if the other person I'm talking to is uncomfortable.

23.What are you NOT looking forward to?
Spring semester.

24.What ARE you looking forward to?
Christmas vacation.

25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?

26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
Shrug. Maybe get a little weirded out because I'm creeping on other people kissing.

27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?

28.Are you a forgiving person?
Ugh takes time, depending on what it is.

29.How many TRUE friends do you have?

30.Do you fall for people easily?
Too easily.

31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?

32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
Orange juice.

33.Who was the last person you drove with?

34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
I stayed up until 4 am because I was watching Video Game High School.

35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?

36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?
My friends cosplaying as characters from LotR.

37.Can you live a day without TV?

38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
Like an hour ago.

39.Three names you go by:
Kim, Kimkashi, Puta

40.Are you currently in a relationship?

41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
While You Were Sleeping.

42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
I think there's not just ONE soul-mate per person.

43.What’s your current problem?
I'm tired of school, need to save a lot of $$$ for next year.

44.Have you ever had your heart broken?

45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
They suck and are not for me. But other people can make it work if there's effort on both sides.

46.How many kids do you want to have?

47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?
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