Title: Cognizance (part 2 of 2)
anoriellFandom: The Hobbit
Claim: Thorin's company
Pairing(s) and/or Character(s): Thorin/Bilbo
Dark TimesPrompt: Terror
Rating: General
Summary: Sometimes, to gain is to lose. But occasionally, losing is, in fact, more akin to gaining. IF one is not too blind to see the truth of it.
Word count: 1125
Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: Tolkien is the consummate artist and Middle Earth is his chef d’oeuvre. I hold his work in highest regard and as such would not presume to unlawfully use his literary creations for profit. I am only borrowing from his imagination … for the pleasure of expounding on his already established genius.
Notes: For
(This way ...)