Challenge #297: Reservations

May 16, 2012 11:55

Title: The Thought Doesn't Always Count
Challenge: Reservations

"What possessed you to do it, Goku?" Hakkai asked as they left town.

"Well, we don’t always get a room, so I thought maybe if I called ahead we’d get one."

"Idiot!" Sanzo turned around and whacked Goku. "You used our real names."He whacked Goku again.

"Well," Hakkai said wistfully, "we did receive a generous welcome banquet."

Sanzo glared at Hakkai.

"But we’re still sleeping rough. I was looking forward to something soft," Gojyo drawled.

Sanzo whacked Gojyo then demanded, "How much further to the next town, Hakkai?"

"At least a day’s drive."

Gojyo and Goku groaned.

Sanzo whacked them.

challenge 297

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