Anthony Stewart Head [15]

May 05, 2006 01:48

I can't believe that I haven't posted any icons in 2006 so far. That's. What have I been doing? Yes, I know, getting a life isn't exactly helpful, and I have been making icons here and there, just nothing that would have made up a post. Until now! I bring you the wonderful Tony Head, inspired by a picture post on ash_daily.

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Comments 15

smash23 May 4 2006, 17:10:40 UTC
Ennnnjoyable! I think I'll have #14. I met him once, and he looked exactly like #13 with the tinted glasses and the smirk. There aren't enough icons of Tony, I think. Thanks for rectifying that!


10000_pixels May 4 2006, 23:00:54 UTC
Oh, he does? Heeh!

You're absolutely right, there aren't enough icons of him out there. *spreads the Tony love*

Thank you! :)


scratchingpost1 May 4 2006, 19:24:54 UTC
I'm taking 9 & 14. Thanks.


10000_pixels May 4 2006, 22:58:53 UTC
Thank you! :)


ladyithildiel May 5 2006, 04:52:48 UTC
Long time no see!!:DGood to see you back here!!I love the icons!!


10000_pixels May 5 2006, 07:17:48 UTC
Why thank you! :)

I promise it won't take another five months until the next update. ;)


psychoadept May 7 2006, 23:08:53 UTC
I so adore you for making these icons.


10000_pixels May 7 2006, 23:35:36 UTC
*blushes* Thank you! :)


losseniaiel May 10 2006, 12:30:52 UTC
I especially like #014. *giggles*


10000_pixels May 10 2006, 12:39:22 UTC
He, yeah, he looked kind of adorable. It's a paparazzi photo, but somehow it looks like he can smell the photographer.


losseniaiel May 17 2006, 12:51:45 UTC
Awww. I watched Something Blue and Hush again yesterday. Giles-y goodness.


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