Title: Plans
1000traenenSummary: “A vacation home? Evan, wouldn’t we need to build a regular home first?”
Pairing: McKay/Lorne
Rating: PG-13
Categories: Hurt/Comfort
Prompt: #2- Love
Disclaimer: Since you don’t see stuff like this on TV, suffice it to say that they aren’t mine.
Spoilers: none.
A/N: for the
10_hurt_comfort comm. Link to my
table. X-posted at
slashing_lorne and Wraithbait.
Rodney made his way through the hallways, heading to his quarters for the night. Atlantis was calm enough for the moment, and Rodney wanted to take advantage of that by spending some time with Evan, since the two hadn’t had a chance in quite a while. Inside, he found Evan stretched out on the sofa, an arm behind his head. His eyes were closed, and Rodney licked his lips when he saw that Evan was shirtless.
“Hey, you,” Evan muttered, cracking his eyes open.
“Hey, yourself,” Rodney replied, and Evan moved his legs so that Rodney could sit down. Once Rodney was seated with his feet propped up on the makeshift coffee table, Evan sat up and turned so that he could lie back down with his head in Rodney’s lap. Rodney rested one hand on Evan’s chest, toying with his dogtags while the fingers to his other hand automatically went into Evan’s hair.
“How was your mission?” Rodney asked, remembering that Evan had been on a mission earlier in the day.
“Beautiful place full of trees with a lake and no signs of life. I did find the perfect place to build a vacation home though. Complete with dock…”
Rodney looked down, almost incredulously. “A vacation home? Evan, wouldn’t we need to build a regular home first?”
“We have Atlantis.”
“Very true.”
“You know, when I was thinking about the vacation home…I thought of something else…”
“What’s that?” Rodney asked, curious as to what Evan would’ve come up with.
“You and I practically live together as it is, I was thinking that…maybe…we could make it official.”
“What do you mean by official?”
“I’ve got the bigger quarters, half of your stuff is already here, we’re close enough to a transporter for any emergencies that may…”
“Will,” Rodney corrected.
“Will arise. I was thinking that you could move in here.”
As blue eyes met blue, Rodney knew that Evan was serious and that he’d thought about it.
“Are you sure about this?” Rodney asked uncertainly.
“Yeah,” Evan answered instantly.
“Might as well,” Rodney shrugged.
“Yeah, cool,” Rodney sighed, seeing that Evan’s eyes were closed. Then he whispered, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Evan mumbled just before Rodney put him to sleep.