cissasghost commissioned me to write V/Hr for
the_fund, and I thought I'd post it over here as well. It turned out a bit on the angsty side, but hopefully that will be all right. And there's mention of Ron/Hermione, just so y'all know.
Trying Again )
Comments 16
And - the awful pink dress. Tee hee. ;)
Thank you!
I also loved the not so veiled stab at THE PINK DRESS, and the fact that you acknowledged Hermione's bossy side. That's one of the reasons why I think Viktor and Hermione would work so well. I don't think he would be fazed by her bossy side at all, and wouldn't feel threatened by her being Miss Super High Standards, because he kind of seems like Mister Super High Standards. They both have that type A personality thing going on.
And additional compliments on the deft handling of Viktor's English. The people who make him out to be a twit as opposed to someone who took up English as something other than a native language make me go "grrr".
Anyway, well done and hope to see more soon!
GO Hr/V!!!!!!!
I don't really post too often, but I must say that the fact that someone actually took the time to think about things from Victor's perspective and to realize that indeed foreigners are not prone to ALWAYS using short words and simple sentances did make me smile. As a matter of fact it is rather probable that Victor would know the word "ultimatum" since it is the same in Bulgarian. It is less likely that he'll know the word "card" since it is not.
To refrain from making this a long and tedious monologue, I once again, as a Bulgarian who has had to learn English as a second language, offer my compliments and take my leave.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling, but thank you so much - it means a lot to know that I didn't make him sound hideously unlike what he should. :)
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