Title: Dreamcatcher
Fandom: One Piece
Prompt: Dreams
Pairing: Zoro/Robin
Words: 277
Rating: R
He couldn’t move, could only feel them against his skin. Warm, slick muscles, licking at him, salt and skin, tasting him. Countless tongues, exploring every part of him, sliding over his ear, flicking across his ankle, circling a nipple, drawing an ache from him that felt twisted and wrong and more erotic than anything Zoro had ever experienced.
He could only bite back a groan as they found the place he needed them most, licking and swirling around his arousal, rough and soft, fierce and gentle. And Zoro found himself letting his concern melt away, piece by piece, feeling his confusion fade into something like inevitability, like understanding and acceptance. Forgetting the strangeness of it, embracing the difference of it, and murmuring his consent to each new twist, each new sensation of yet another tongue dragging over him and pulling him closer to the edge.
And he couldn’t even remember his eyes fluttering closed, couldn’t remember why he’d then needed to see again. But he felt a shout strangle in his throat at the sight of it looming over him. No longer separate tongues, something even more unnatural, glistening moving snake of muscle and moisture, tongues licking at themselves and each other, undulating in midair, slowly sliding down between his spread legs, single endless tentacle of rippling sin.
Zoro jerked fully awake, quite alone on the floor of the men’s bunkroom, white as a sheet and fiercely torn between the desire to throw up or to wrap his hand around his aching cock.
Up in the crow’s nest, Robin smiled slyly to herself and flipped over the page of her book, tongue dragging slowly over her lips.