Title: "White"
'Fandom': The Concarnadine Chronicles
Claim: General; Characters
Prompt: #019 :: "White"
Word Count: 580
Rating: PG (for weirdness)
Summary: OoB Elizabeth
Author's Notes: Takes place during one of the earier stories (Wish I could remember which)
The conversation slipped into the background of her consciousness. The Jewel on her breast seemed to hum with warmth, sending a sympathetic vibration through her bones, and accelerating her into a high state of consciousness. She knew that she was still sitting in the little room, but at the same time, she was standing, turning, reorienting herself. She could sense - could see in her mind - the Abbey, the Tor, the High Street, the Well outside.
Beneath the Tor hill, buried but vibrant, she could sense a source of power - power which was inviting her to partake of itself. She found - she realised - that she didn’t need to do anything - merely to allow herself to be swept toward it, so she did, her hand cupping the Jewel, almost by reflex.
The power turned out to be within a vast limestone cave, which glowed whit\e as water - energised water, carrying, to Elizabeth’s spirit sight, elemental power combined of earth, water and air - flowed gently through it, rising, seemingly spontaneously, from a natural bowl at the farther, inner, end of the cave, from which it fell to the floor, where it had worn a shallow channel, along the base of the cavern, and then into a narrow cavity in the underlying impervious rock.
And, from the roof of the cave, stalactite formations descended, also dripping with the energised water, gathering together to fuel the flow. Elizabeth felt the energy sweep round her, bathing her in power. The whiteness flowed up round her, buoying her up, carrying her higher and higher in her super-consciousness.
In her hand the Jewel hummed with greater intensity, and she seemed to sense that she and it were at the heart of a nexus of power relatively untapped by others. A shape - a tone - a taste or scent - she could not have said, for certain, which it was, but she was shown it, allowed to recognise it, allowed to meditate upon it until, for that moment, it was utterly familiar to her. And yet she also knew that this knowledge was, as yet, too much for her in her own material body - it was only in spirit that she was strong enough to face it, as it were, “head on”.
A day would come, she felt herself being told, when she would need this power, and on that day, this experience would come back to her, would be unlocked and liberated within her. On that day she would again see the subject of her meditation, and allowed to access it. She would not need to visit the cavern - the power was there, in potential, throughout the world - it was merely a matter of tapping it, of reaching out, with an open hand, an open heart, and the power, the energy, would be hers.
Time seemed meaningless, but at a point something made her aware that her spirit journey would have to end, and she felt the material world calling her back. The Jewel responded by vibrating at a slightly different, slightly lower, frequency, and Elizabeth felt her super-consciousness begin to ebb, and the secret being locked, deep within her, safe against the time when she would truly need it. Little by little the whiteness faded in her mind, and she allowed herself to be drawn back, to the room, to her seat, to the conversation, to the day, to the Well, to day-to-day life, to Concarnadine, to herself, to the present, to blissful ignorance, and tranquil peace of mind.