Title: A Bump in the Night
Fandom: Serenity
Characters: Simon/Kaylee
Prompt: 004 -- Late
Word Count: 393
Rating: M, to be safe. It's on one of the grey lines in my mind.
Summary: Kaylee reveals something to Simon, not long after their first time.
Author's Notes: This is actually going to /not/ be a one-shot! It'll be a two-shot instead. =D
He looked up at Kaylee. It had been almost two weeks since they had had sex their first, and so far only, time. They didn't want to rush the relationship all too fast.
"Yes, hon?" He walked over to Kaylee and kissed her.
"I love you." Those three simple words washed over him, and left in their wake a feeling of elation he didn't think he would ever get over. Especially since he knew she meant it. She loved him.
He couldn't belive that she actually loved him. He didn't deserve her. "I love you too, Kaylee."
When he said those words, Kaylee just knew everything was going to be alright. The sound filled her, made her complete. Everything was going to be okay, because he loved her. She definitely didn't deserve someone as... angelic as him.
"I've got something... to tell you." Kaylee bit her lip. She was worried about how he'd take it; they both could tell by that one expression.
"What is it?" Simon asked, worried. Is she hurt?
"Well... I'm late." She closed her eyes to say it. She was so worried he'd be mad. She waited a full week to tell him. She should have told him earlier...
"Late?" That could mean so much. But I think I know what it means...
"My period. It ain't comin', babe." She smiled up at him, but tears were streaming down her face.
"Yup." Yup. That was what I was hoping it wasn't. He had a look of stupefaction on his face that could only make Kaylee laugh.
"You're gonna be a Daddy!" She smiled up at him... and watched him faint, hitting his head on the window of the infirmary as he fell.
"Crap! Help!" Kaylee rushed over to his side. He'd be fine; he'd only taken a bit of a fall. Wish I hadn't waited till the middle of the night to tell him, though. She heard Mal coming and looked up at the stairway for him, readying an explanation.