Title: Motorcycle Envy
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: Rimmer and Lister, or Rimmer/Lister if you squint.
Prompt:010. Think
Word Count: 359 words.
Rating: PGish
Summary: Lister's cleaning his old calendar.
Author's Notes: I'd say it's set around Season I. Or II. No spoilers. Also,
krzcowzgomoo, this is your 'minutes' fic.
Lister flips open his calendar and grins. It’s the only calendar on the Red Dwarf, and it’s useless by now, but Lister will keep it for as long as he can. He carefully sprays the pages with fresh pine scent and flips to November. Ah. It’s the month that made him keep the calendar.
The picture is of a motorcycle that Lister considers ‘brutal’. He never was rich enough to buy one, but Lister remembers seeing one in a museum once. He had only been in there on a dare to steal the dinosaur bones, but once he saw that motorcycle, all hard steel and gleaming red, it had taken three security guards to keep him out.
He had carefully filed away all knowledge of the motorcycle for when he would be rich enough to get one, not knowing, at the time, that his band wouldn’t make it big. The day after the band broke up, he found himself in a knick-knack shop raiding their calendar racks. The shop owner had spotted him, but he made out with the calendar.
Three million years later, Lister contemplates the other reason he keeps this calendar: the scantily-clad woman riding the motorcycle.
He wonders, a bit, if Rimmer’s jealous, then tucks that thought away.
Rimmer notices the calendar sometimes and does his best to ignore it. He wasn’t around in the year 1987, but anything from Earth stirs up bad memories.
He remembers his own pining after a motorcycle. Of course, all of his brothers had one, but Rimmer had never been successful enough to get one. One time he had stolen Frank’s to go for a ride and managed to crash the bike.
He had to give up two years of allowance to pay for the bike, and Frank had retaliated by destroying his astrophysics notes.
Old memories, for Rimmer, are painful.
Lister finishes cleaning the calendar and carefully tucks it away under his boots in his locker. Then he sits on his bunk, whistling cheerfully at the memories and the chance to irritate Rimmer.
Rimmer watches him for a second, and then asks Holly for some earplugs.