Title: Mice
Pairing: Fishy/Duck (DongHae/EeTeuk)
Rating: Pg-13
Length: Side Story of a One Shot
Warning: Must have read the
first story or this might not make sense. ^^
Summary: What will they find while searching for cheese??
A/N: The side story that I promised! :D
Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese in bed would be nice, cheese and crackers would be better! I was on a cheese hunt. It didn't matter if it was old or covered in peanut butter, I was craving cheeeeeese.
"Hey! Ori! You find anything yet?" I squeaked over to him. He was over digging around near the bottom of the trashes.
"Hell no! WHY WOULD THEY HAVE CHEESE YOU IDIOT?!" He was looking anyways.
"You never know. Humans are weird things." I mumbled back as I went to search by the child shoe racks.
All of a sudden, though, I heard some weird noises.
"Fish, what is that?!" I heard Ori yell from the trashes. His butt was sticking out, the tail swinging freely.
"How should I know?" I yelled and then went to investigate. It took me quite a while to locate the sounds, and after a moment, I realized it was a human yelling. I heard a thump and then a yell and then another thump and suddenly, 2 fully grown humans joined me.
"AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed as I scurried to find the closest hiding place.
"WHAT FISH?!?!?" Ori found me seconds later (cause I guess he was curious too.) and then another, "AAHHHHMAGOD- oh they look distracted..." Ori mumbled and found a nice spot in a dark corner to sit and watch.
"What are you doing?? RUN YOU MASOCHISTIC FREA- oh god." I huffed as I was shoved into the darkness with Ori.
The humans talked, one tried to approach the other.
"What does he think he is? A dog?"
"Shush!" Ori told me.
I huffed again and mumbled, "Pfft, don't even know what they're saying..." but a whip to the rear with his tail shut me up.
Then the one started to bolt but was tackled by the other.
"Oh, yeah! Git em! Oh, oh! Yeah, to the left! Hoo, agh! Missed..." Ori's commentary was like something you'd hear from the peanut section watching fighters in a boxing ring....
I sighed and shook my head, bored already.
"Hey, do you think they're fighting for a mate?" I asked, curious.
"Nah, must be for territory." Ori squeaked back.
"Ah..." They stopped fighting, though, and started to make those weird sounds with their tongues and, "Haha, that's dirty." Ori mumbled beside me.
I was spacing off.
"What's dirty- OH MY SWEET MOTHER OF CHEESE!!! AGH!!! MY EYESIGHT! I'M BLIIIIND!!!! OHHHHH I'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN!!!" I cried running around in a small circle, Ori just laughing at how they mated, saying he didn't know it could work that way.
"SHUT UP ORI! WE'RE LEAVING!" I yelled, shoving him towards a hole.
"NOOOO!!!! I WANNA WAAAAATCH!!!!" He yelled, pushing back.
"How deprived are you?!?" I yelled. I mean, seriously?? BEASTIALITY???
That's just wrong.
"Hey, you know what I wanna know?" I stopped pushing, curious as to what he wanted to know.
"Why do you think they chose to do it in a McDonald's outdoor playplace when it's 10 degrees out?"
We both turned to the scene, cocked our heads to the left, and thought about it.
Heh, stupid humans. Don't even know care about freezing their dicks off, as long as they get some.
"Yeah, I'm out. Peace homie." He can stay and watch for all I care. I was still on the hunt for some cheeese.
AHAHAHAHA Ok, Yeah, this was way harder to write than you can imagine. XD
And if you didn't already figure it out, they were mice witnessing DongHae and EeTeuk getting it on.
And it finally answers the question of "where in the world was HaeTeuk?" lol
FYI:: Names were chosen by Ori=Duck+EeTeuk's nickname. :D && Fish=DongHae's nickname. :3
Also...I realize.... this is a hamster. :D