Title: Rejection Pairing: EunHyuk/EunHyuk Length: One Shot Rating: G Warnings: Haha ending. ^^ Summary: No matter how hard he tries, it is just simply unavoidable. :) A/N: This took me 10 minutes. Haha but I loved the idea.
Ever since I saw patbingsoo on Full House,I've always wanted to try it..must find red bean paste... "I'm gonna get fat..." Awww~ Hyukkie you'll be okay! This was cute. ^^ The man can't gain weight. He tries,but he just can't gain it.
I spy with my little eye in that GIF an adorable Hyukjae and A CRAZY CAT LADY! =]
Comments 12
"I'm gonna get fat..." Awww~ Hyukkie you'll be okay! This was cute. ^^
The man can't gain weight. He tries,but he just can't gain it.
I spy with my little eye in that GIF an adorable Hyukjae and A CRAZY CAT LADY! =]
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