Title: The Distance to Nirvana
princeivyFandom: One Piece
Characters: Zoro, flashes of Kuina and Mihawk
Prompt: 041 - Frustrated
Word Count: 283
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for Zoro’s fight with Mihawk. (Episode 24)
Summary: Zoro works out and contemplates on failure.
How far?
Hands tighten their grip on the metal weight; muscles clench as arms lift as high as possible. He grunts hoarsely, “5,976”.
How far will I have to go to be strong enough?
He clenches his jaw as sweat drips down his body, ignoring the strain he can feel in his upper limbs. He has to keep going. He has to become stronger.
Because I couldn’t beat him.
He doesn’t remember much about the physical pain. He doesn’t remember how much blood soaked into his clothes. But he remembers falling into the sea with his mouth open, and the stinging tears of frustration that streamed down his face. He remembers the defeat. Always. Every time he sees the scar across his torso it’s a painful reminder that he wasn’t good enough, that he didn’t win.
But I will.
He closes his eyes, mutters, “5,985.” He doesn’t try to take his mind off the memory. He lets the irritation and dissatisfaction at his own weakness fuel him as he continues lifting at a steady rate. No matter how much the inside of his body is throbbing, he won’t stop yet. He can’t stop yet.
I made a promise.
His mind flashes, fleetingly, to Kuina. Her victorious smile as she looked down at him. The warmth of her hand when they made their vow. The look in Sensei’s eyes as he held out her katana. He couldn’t fail them, either of them, but especially her.
How far?
He slowly sets the weight down and sits; stretches out his sore limbs. His brow is creased, his mind plagued with that frustrating question that burns in his ears.
How far until I can win?