Title: Never Drink the Coffee in Wonderland
Universe: Alice in Wonderland
Word Count: 1249
Prompt: Coffee and pencils used in unexpected ways.
Notes: Speed ficcing with
belluminabyssus , and
liralen . A possible next generation of Alice’s adventures. Not to be taken seriously. At all.
She could do without any of it. )
Comments 6
I'm glad the ending worked for you and you thought it was mysterious~ I was iffy on using present tense all of sudden, but it seemed to work better than using 'said' at the very end.
I love the idea of Alice having had offspring, and how people would see her after the adventure. I really liked the "dream" and the resulting reality. *laughs*
You kind of got the hint of a rabbit in there with the twist as well, the what we think is going to happen goes the other way. As with Alice's adventure we're kind of expecting Maddie to have her own... and when she does, she ends up on the opposite track. I *love* how you did that.
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