
May 20, 2006 20:29

Sometimes you have to just throw in the towel, I guess. This must be my rotten cherry to top my shit sunday. Maybe I will come across some broken glass and razor sprinkles, and some spolied, moldy whipped cream to make it really special. One can only hope.

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Comments 5

ashkabar May 21 2006, 01:33:13 UTC
I went to a movie today with Cris and we were talking about you & how absolutely cool you are. I hope your days get much better asap :)


100percentclass May 24 2006, 14:28:47 UTC
Awww! We need to all get together, are you in south florida?


ashkabar May 25 2006, 12:17:42 UTC
I definitely agree. I am in South Florida, I go to school at FIU in Miami. We should round up the old crew and see when everyone is in town. IM me: asummerinohio or call 954-261-0769 & we'll make some plans!


thekingshane May 22 2006, 17:43:53 UTC
Stay cool Kerri.


100percentclass May 24 2006, 14:29:51 UTC
Ehh, I guess I will try if you want me to.


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