Title: The Fire and the Glory
acidpop25Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #73, "Glory"
Word Count: 315
Summary: "I know somewhere to watch the sunrise."
Warnings: none
Notes: Luna/Padma, set in India.
The sun's first rays were beginning to light the sky, burning the horizon fire-pink and washing the landscape rosy-gold. Already the air was hot, the dusty road not really comfortable to walk on, though Padma's feet didn't mince as hesitantly over it as Luna's did.
"Come on," Padma coaxed. "I know somewhere cool to watch the sunrise." And Luna nodded, though she would have followed Padma anywhere anyway. So she followed, followed the sway of buttery silk down the road, the beads shining like specks of heat shimmer in the sun.
Padma led her to a small grove of trees, shaded and out of the way. "I used to come here when I was a little girl," Padma confided as they sat. "Parvati would still be sleeping, but I would come here to watch the sunrise."
"The fire and the glory," Luna said, following Padma's gaze out, out, out. Blaze.
Padma didn't answer, didn't need to. Luna fidgeted a bit, rearranging the folds of her sari and trying not to accidentally tug the wrong one and send it all to pool around her waist. The air was heavy.
A gnat buzzed in Luna's ear; Padma leaned forward and shooed it away with a murmur of "Go," and Luna wondered at the way Padma's voice found a different accent here, even on that single syllable.
The heat was mounting, pressing in and sticking, and the land, the dirt, the dust, the leaves, had gone yellow firegold, and the sun had scoured the colour from the sky; it was all white-hot now, burning, branding, a day for worlds ending.
"The fire and the glory," Padma said thoughtfully, tasting the words.
The way I feel when you touch me. Padma's landscape; she belonged here.
"Shhh. Just watch..."
Luna laid her head on Padma's shoulder; smelled jasmine and smiled under the sunlight.
Good morning, good morning.