Title: Solitude
acidpop25Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #55, "Solitary"
Word Count: 191
Summary: She had never understood what was so bad about being alone.
Warnings: Character death
Notes: Luna and Theodore. Are they shipped? Well, that's up to you.
She had never understood what was so bad about being alone. Other people, she thought, were a necessary thing, and you had to keep the species going, but, well, really. Other than that, they weren't so great, nothing special about them. They were just people. You didn't need them.
Luna had fallen in love once. She had died in the war, and it didn't hurt as bad as everyone thought it would, thought it ought to. Luna missed her sometimes, but mostly, well, it wasn't that different. You kept living.
Luna hadn't been in love with Theodore. He had been different and interesting, quiet and thoughtful, and he had had these beautiful dark eyes and warm, pale skin and a soft, low voice. She had liked his thoughts, so different from hers, but interesting, and she had liked the way he looked when he smiled.
The name Theodore means "heartbreak."
That's not true.
Yes, it is. Because I feel it's true, so it's true.
Luna didn't just miss Theodore. It hurt, not having him there. It tasted like betrayal.
It tasted like loneliness.
The name Theodore means "heartbreak."
Yes, it does.