Title: Lost (Part 1)
andy_starCPE: Neville
Rating: PG
Prompt Set:
100.1Prompt: Motion
Word Count: 328
Summary: Five-year-old Neville gets off on the wrong floor of St. Mungos.
Neville hated travelling by Floo Powder. His Gran hated flying, or Side-Along-Apparition, the Knight Bus, and travelling by Floo Powder, because she felt that any form of transport other than walking was simply lazy. Thankfully, going anywhere further than the village shops by foot was bad for his Gran’s arthritis, so she usually resorted to Floo Powder. She would rather, he was constantly hearing, take him by Apparition, but it was illegal to attempt Side-Along-Apparition on anyone under eleven years old.
Six more years to go, he thought glumly as he threw the powder into the fireplace. “Don’t forget to ask for level nine, Neville,” his Gran reminded him sharply as he stepped into the fireplace. “And don’t you dare fall out at the other end and dirty your clothes.”
“St. Mungos level f - er, nine!” he said, and caught a glimpse of his Gran’s angry face before he was swept away. He did fall out at the other end, of course, but he got back up as quickly as he could and attempted to brush the soot off his shirt.
“Oh, poor thing,” said a young blonde lady who came up to help him. She was wearing a hospital badge. “Is your mum or dad coming through, dear?”
“My Gran,” he mumbled, looking around. He hated that sort of question. Oddly enough, the Floo point seemed to have changed since the last time he’d been here. He couldn’t remember it being quite so… busy. Or loud.
“I’m Jennifer,” said the lady, crouching next to him so their eyes were level. “What’s your name?”
Neville shrunk away a little. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.”
“It’s all right,” she said, giving him a sunny smile. “I work here, at the hospital.”
“Oh,” he said. He couldn’t remember anyone smiling at him - really smiling at him - like that, before. Except perhaps when Mr. Dumbledore occasionally came to visit. “I suppose that’s all right, then.”