Title: Uncomfortable Questions
andy_starCPE: Neville
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: Prompt Set:
100.1Prompt: How?
Word Count: 219
Summary: Future
veiledintention universe - Neville and Tracey's daughter is far too clever for her own good.
“Daddy?” asked Alice, who had a large book open on her lap where she sat in an armchair, her little legs dangling over the edge. “How does magic work?”
Neville glanced at Tracey, who merely gave him a smug look. “Your question, Daddy,” she said, standing up with some difficulty and waddling into the kitchen. Neville watched her go with fondness. He had to admit it that his wife being pregnant was a lot more fun for everyone concerned when the whole thing had actually been planned.
“Daddy!” Alice repeated, insatiably.
“Er,” Neville said, looking up at the ceiling for inspiration. None came. “How does magic work? Well. It just does, I suppose.”
The four-year-old made a face. “Not an answer,” she complained. She was saying that a lot, he’d noticed. Neville had yet to figure out how his daughter was so intelligent for her age. God knows he hadn’t been.
“Well… some questions don’t really have answers,” he said, helplessly.
“Like what?”
“Well… there are a lot of things we don’t know. Like why the sky is blue, or why animals can’t talk. Usually.”
Alice seemed to think about this for a moment. “You know how Mummy has a baby inside her?”
“Yes,” said Neville. “Your little brother Stephen.”
“Yes, well… how’d he get there?”
Neville groaned. “TRACEY!”