Title: Unexpected.
Author: bloodonmyarms
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #003 Unexpected
Word Count: Roughly. 138 words.
Summary: It was quite unexpected - Augustus Rookwood, a Death Eater.
Author's Notes: The prompts in my table are being used for a series of unrelated drabbles based on a specific Death Eater. Every Death Eater will be used, and some will have more than one fic written on them.
Quite unexpected, wasn't it? Who would have suspected that trusted Augustus Rokkwood would actually be working for the other side?
Of course no one expected it. Its hardly surprising that the Ministry never realised, its not as if anyone really bothers to speak to anyone from the Department of Mysteries. Especially not someone like me, stooping Augustus Rookwood.
You may ask why. Well, I'll tell you.
That stupid Bagman, so willing to give information, information that I passed directly to the Dark Lord. It was so easy, and if that traitorous Karkaroff hadn't handed Crouch my name, I would have continued my position as a spy, I would have continued helping my Lord.
I will be some help again one day. When my Lord returns, I will carry on. And I will help bring down that damn Ministry.