Title: Surprised
Author: bloodonmyarms
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #006 Surprise
Word Count: Roughly. 200 words.
Summary: Draco is quite surprised by something.
Author's Notes: The prompts in my table are being used for a series of unrelated drabbles based on a specific Death Eater. Every Death Eater will be used, and some will have more than one fic written on them.
Draco Malfoy remembers when he first realised his father was a Death Eater. It seemed like so long ago, and he can hardly imagine what it would have been like, growing up into a different kind of world.
He can only have been a few years old, and Lucius was showing him how to mix different poisons to make a more powerful weapon. His robes, quite uncomplicated, for this was a practical day, had slipped past his wrists and down to his elbow, revealing a dark brand across his pale skin.
Draco's small eyes seemed to widen with curiosity (he is sure his father he remembers this clearly), yet Lucius offered no explanation.
Later, Draco came to realise that his father carried the Dark Mark, when his father's friends came to visit and they all had it too, and it was with mingled apprehensiveness and awe that Draco considered this.
He remembers wondering whether it hurt, whether it burned against your skin. Draco was surprised then, when he received his own mark, for it certainly hurt, oh yes, but the pain was instantly dulled when he thought with a smile, of how he could emulate his Death Eater father.