Title: Open To Destruction
Author: bloodonmyarms
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #007 Open
Word Count: Roughly. 180 words.
Summary: Gibbon left himself open to destruction.
Author's Notes: The prompts in my table are being used for a series of unrelated drabbles based on a specific Death Eater. Every Death Eater will be used, and some will have more than one fic written on them.
Open To Destruction.
The problem with being a Death Eater, is that you face being attacked from all sides. If you are caught by an Auror, they could kill you (and theres nothing honourable about that) or they can put you in Azkaban to rot away, and await that cruel Dementor's Kiss.
And if you fail to please the Dark Lord, He will punish you (and we all hope to never to endure that.) You always have to be careful. What you say, what you do.
You have to especially when you're pulled into battle. Death Eaters are not friends, contrary to popular belief - they don't care about each other.Look out for yourself, if you fall behind, you're left behind.
You could end up being hit with a curse, meant for the other side. And thats just what happened to Gibbon. He wasn't an extremely clever or gifted wizard, and he left himself open to destruction. Rowle accidentally killed him, but its not as if it really matters anyway, he wasn't of much use. If you fall behind, you're left behind.