Title: Stars
andy_starCPE: Neville
Rating: G
Prompt Set:
100.1Prompt: Moon
Word Count: 152
Summary: A night out... to look at the stars. (Neville/Luna)
“You see that?”
“I see your hand, blocking it.”
“Oh, sorry. Now?”
“Yeah, I see it.”
“It’s a snorkack!”
“No, it’s a rabbit!”
“Oh Neville. Those are horns, not ears. Look, they’re all… crumply.”
“Rabbit ears can be crumply.”
Giggle. “What star were you born under, Neville?”
“A small one, I reckon.”
“Oh, I don’t think so.”
“Thanks, Luna.”
“I was born under the snorkack star.”
“Yeah? Which one’s that?”
Point. “That one.”
Squint. “The little twinkly one?”
“How… appropriate.”
Pause. “Hey, Neville… you like me, don’t you?”
Glance. “Of course.”
“Is that the right thing? You want me to, don’t you?”
“Neville, don’t say things just because you think I want you to say them.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s rude, that’s why.”
“So, do you like me or don’t you?”
“Well… yeah, I suppose so.”
Turn. Smile. “That’s good enough for now.”