Title - Big Things In Small Packages
Author -
xumbrellaxBeta - None, please point out any errors
Rating - PG
Prompt - Silver
Prompt Set: 50.4
Word Count - 330
Characters/Pairings - Ron/Viktor
Warnings - Slash, Fluff
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these characters only the plot line.
Summary - Ron has to make a choice.
Author's Notes - None of my stories link together unless I say so.
I took the ring in my hand and smiled. Looking at the texture and feeling it. The smooth surface and the way it shined,hitting the sun light. It was a silver ring not any ring a partnership ring. I held the ring in my hand looking at it. The carving and everything was so perfect. The aura over it was romantic yet strong. I sat there thinking of what this little ring could mean. A home,new family,feuds and love. Love was the most important one of course. It held commitment too. Vowing never to kiss another and only one. The power in one item was powerful and should be known. It was like a hidden ninja or something kid would be happy just to have at the bottom of the cereal box. The thought it was powerful and real when in truth it was not. They still it was powerful and change their views in life. My red hair blowing threw the wind and occasionally in my eyes. The refection on the ring clouds and a blue sky. I was sitting on a hill in Germany in front of a house. Thinking wether to take the ring and let him slip it on the finger or throw it in the grass and run. You would think its easy,but its not. You kiss so many frogs and you find some with scars. The one you want you find,but you wanna kiss more frogs. In the end I had to make a choice. A piece of silver held so much in such a little item. I got up from the hill and walked towards the house. I opened the large wooden doors,entering the mansion yet again. On the steps sat the muscular Bulgarian. The man of my dreams,my final frog,the one who slipped the small round piece of silver over my pale finger. The one who showed me that little things have great power.