Title: Baby Fat
thenarnianqueenRating: PG
Prompt: #25 ; Thin
Prompt Set: 50.3
Word Count: 202
Disclaimer: JKR owns everything. I just use Ron & Hermione and make them do things.
Summary: After having baby Rose, Hermione asks Ron about her weight.
“Am I fat?” asked a curious Hermione, standing infront of their bedroom mirror, clutching her stomach “Be honest”
Ron rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around her tummy, “Your beautiful”
She sighed, “That's not the question I asked”
“Your thin, Hermione”
“-but, after having Rose, I still have lots of fat left-”
She turned her head to face him, “What?”
“Shut up”
He leant down and kissed her on the lips, his arms still around her and her hands rubbed up and down his sleeves.
They stopped kissing.
“I don't usually care about it, but it's just so frustrating. I feel so-”
Ron cut her off with another kiss.
The pair broke apart when the noise of a distant baby crying in another room. Hermione smiled, as did Ron, and he gave her another kiss before stepping away.
“I'll go-”
“No, I will, she needs me-”
“Oh, does she really?” Ron raised his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes, grinning,
“Yes, Ronald” she said, “She needs to be.. um, fed”
He scoffed, but then realised what she meant. “Oh, bloody hell, okay, you go”
Hermione kissed him again, and went to attend to her daughter, screaming in the other room.