Title: My Hero
sivullinenRating: G
Prompt Set: 50.1.
Prompt: #42, Hero
Word Count: 366
Summary: I have always had a thing for heroes. Ginny-centric.
Warnings: none.
Notes: Written also for
hp_ficathon prompt #24, Admiration.
I have always had a thing for heroes.
When I was three, I looked up to Bill so much. He played with me when Ron wouldn’t “because you’re a girl” and he showed all kinds of neat tricks he could do. He was kind, and that’s all it takes to become a little girl’s hero.
When I was seven, I had a crush on Peter Flemming, who caught the Snitch in a Puddlemere United versus Appleby Arrows Quidditch final, and thanks to whom Puddlemere United won the league. He was my hero at that time, because that meant my team triumphed over the twins’ team. I had his poster on my wall.
When I was ten, I met Harry Potter, and no one would have denied he really was a hero. After all the stories, thrilling, mysterious stories, I’d heard of him, I really couldn’t help falling for him - long and hard.
When I was fourteen, my hero was Cepheus Capper, the singer. He understood how I felt, his lyrics showed that, and I harbored a love for him like only a teenage girl can.
When I was sixteen, the war was full-on, and my life was suddenly full of heroes: Harry, for fighting Voldemort as hard as he could; Hermione, for leaving Hogwarts before her NEWTs; Neville, for starting DA at Hogwarts again and motivating us all so well; professor Lupin, for passing information about werewolf activities and endangering his life doing that; my father, for saving a Muggle child from Death Eaters and torture; Draco Malfoy, for coming crawling back to Hogwarts, begging for forgiveness and showing that redemption is possible; professor McGonagall, for keeping Hogwarts open; Luna, for being always so optimistic, and even more people than that.
It’s not a surprise that I got confused then, and could feel hardly anything. I didn’t know who of those people was my hero.
Until the day of final battle, when a Killing Curse was shot at me, and only one person noticed, only one person had been keeping an eye on me, to notice the curse in time and block it
That person was Ron, and from that day on, he has been my hero.