Title: Dear Gellert
laundryloveRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: When?
Word Count: 281
Summary: Dear Gellert- Al says you are sick today.
Warnings: none!
Notes: Um, yeah, don't be surprised if half of my prompt responses are letters ^.^ They're so addicting! And the fonts I use are basically for my own amusement, btw ;) lol. Plus this is pretty much just me writing whatever takes my fancy and then vaugely connecting them to the prompts.
Dear Gellert,
Al says you are sick today. That makes me sad, so maybe a letter will make you feel happy and not sick.
I hope that you get healthy soon. When are are coming here? I want you to come back and visit and play with me. I wanted to come and visit you instead, but Abe said no. he thinks I’ll get sick too. But I’ve only been sick a long time ago, when mama took care of me. I won’t get sick. Al laughed, and this is what he said: “ari, that’s ridiculous. You had Spanish influenza. You make it sound like a damn cold.”
I think he needs his mouth washed out with soap for saying naughty words. But no one listens to me ever.
Abe says he didn’t know I could write such good words. But al taught me when I was very little. He says so anyway. I don’t remember him teaching me, but I remember the words. I think it’s because I’m very smart. Al says “don’t push it.” But he’s gone to bed now, because he’s a sleepyhead.
You should come home tomorrow and read me a story. You read good, not like Abe. Abe has the same voice for everyone, and it’s not fun. You have funny voices, and funny hair.
Abe says that I have to go to bed like Al. I don’t know why. He says I’m a big girl when I eat my greens, but big girls stay up late, right Gellert?
Al yelled from his room for me to sleep. I have to listen to Al, because he’s eighteen. I hope you are well soon.
Ariana ~