Title: Doubt
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: #001 Doubt
Word Count: 225
Summary: He never felt that he could never share himself completely with others.
Albus knew so many people - Ministry workers, teachers, parents, students - but he had few friends. He never felt that he could never share himself completely with others, he had to hold back. People only ever saw him as ‘Albus Dumbledore’ - the greatest sorcerer of all time. He doubted the man behind the fame was ever really considered.
Yes, Albus led an almost lonely life. The only person he had ever felt close to was in a much farther place than others, and Albus could not reach him, although he doubted whether he would be the same person after all these years.
Time, as Albus had come to understand, had tremendous power and could change people so they were barely recognisable, as he had seen so often with those he taught. Over the last few years, Albus had noticed the great change in himself. Of course he bore the mark of age, but even taking away the silver hair and glasses, Albus could not see the boy he was at seventeen.
So many years had passed, so many that they all blurred together, and Albus saw himself as an old man. An old fool, he often muttered to himself, when, upon hearing the rain tap against the window, he would gaze longingly into his memories, desperately clinging to the boy he doubted had become the man.