Title: Racing against time
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #041 Race
Word Count: 168
Summary: When Albus finally met Gellert, the one person he felt connected to, he longed to share himself.
When Albus finally met Gellert, the one person he felt connected to, he longed to share himself. Although he was always a mature boy, he felt childishly excited. It was like he was bubbling over with stories, opinions of charms and spells and his mouth could barely contain all these words, they came spilling out so fast and furiously passionate that the two boys would spend all night just talking, and then lay there imploring the sun to stay hidden, so they could race against time.
Time went too quickly when they were lost in conversation, and as much as they tried to hold it off, the sun would always rise again and steal away their time together. The nights were always more precious than the days for it was then that they were truly alone, with no one else to bother them, and they could just be with each other, talking in the glare of the moonlight, a million miles away from the pressures of the daytime.