Title: Breakable
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #042 Breakable
Word Count: 113
Summary: There’s no one Bellatrix can’t just tip over the edge.
There’s no one Bellatrix can’t just tip over the edge. It doesn’t take much - she knows jsut what to say and exactly when to whisper “crucio”.
It comes from years of practice. You need the knack, and of course you need to mean it. Bellatrix always means it, you can see the satisfaction in her eyes.
That’s what makes her unique from the other Death Eaters - she knows how to find that weakness, that sore spot that could always do with a bit of baiting. Everyone has their limit, a point where they can’t endure anymore, and as much as they might try to fight it, Bella will find it.
Everyone is breakable.
Title: Losing yourself
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #043 Artificial
Word Count: 105
Summary: Great Occlumens always play the risk of losing themselves along the way.
Great Occlumens always play the risk of losing themselves along the way. If you spend all your life in lies, the truth becomes a little hard to grasp - it simply sieves through your mind and all you’re left with is the story you created and the lies you spun together like an intricate spider’s web.
Snape couldn’t really see the truth anymore. He spent so long having to hide behind lies and a cool exterior that masked great anger. You lose the real person - in the end. Snape had lost his real self along the way and all that was left was the artificial parts.