Title: Hierarchy
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #041 Royal
Word Count: 102
Summary: There are different levels within the Death Eaters, a sort of evil hierarchy.
There are different levels within the Death Eaters, a sort of evil hierarchy. There are some that are at the bottom of the food chain, and they desperately try to clamber up the ladder to gain scraps, whilst those at the top have the lion’s share of all.
The Dark Lord does have any friends, no, but he values His best Death Eaters. And one in particular - Bella. There is something in her voice, that passion, that urgency, that love that gives Him great satisfaction. When He thinks that he can only work alone, her devotion reminds Him He has faithful servants.
Title: Virtue
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #044 Virtue
Word Count: 112
Summary: There is no room for whimpering virtue in His new order.
There is no room for whimpering virtue in His new order. He has always been clear about your mission as a Death Eater. If you join, you stay and you can leave your morality behind. After all, something in you made you join the Death Eaters, so there’s no point acting like you don’t want to kill.
Be honest with yourself. Lying to yourself can be fun for the Dark Lord for a while, because He an force you to reveal your true nature, but the Dark Lord gets bored of these little games and would much rather you embrace your duties. He cannot stand cowards, so kill brutally, and with pride.
Title: Unknown
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #004 Colourful
Word Count: 105
Summary: What makes the Dark Arts so frightening, so powerful, is the way they are always changing.
What makes the Dark Arts so frightening, so powerful, is the way they are always changing. You can never predict what will happen, what horrible monster will rear its head. That is why they are so hard to fight, it is better to just embrace them, to let it wash over you.
The Death Eaters are the same. They are never the same, they change constantly. Just when you think you’ve destroyed a Death Eater, another appears and is much worse than the first. The Dark Lord orchestrates it that way, so their victims never know what’s coming. The unknown is what we all fear.
Title: War
bloodonmyarmsPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #017 War
Word Count: 102
Summary: It’s time for a new order, a change - out with the old and in with the new.
It’s time for a new order, a change - out with the old and in with the new. There will be no more mercy, no more hankering after stupid Muggles and allowing their filthy children to attend our schools. It’s stifling, and for so long they have had to hold their tongue. No more.
He’s even more powerful than he was before, and the second time around is always better. They’re more experienced than before, they’ve honed their craft. You took them down before, and that’s only made them angrier. You’ll really feel their wrath this time. This is real. This is war.